Monday, November 12, 2007 Website Updated

The look was getting a little tired on the old website which I first published in the '90s. As well, the old site was using some server (Frontpage) extensions that have recently been rendered obsolete by Microsoft discontinuing its Frontpage editor. The revised site uses more current coding standards and leverages popular web-based utilities that have emerged in the last couple of years. Some of the content, originally contributed by Peter Bowle-Evans years ago, obviously needs some updating work. I'll be revising the text and adding features as I get a chance. Take a peek: Suggestions and contributions welcome-email:

Sunday, November 11, 2007

2007 Willi - Thanks to Cathy-Anne & John

Thank you to Owners of the Golden Eco-Adventure Ranch (GEAR), Cathy-Anne David and John McIsaac for being the 2007 Willi platinum sponsor. They generously donated the Willi bags, breakfast and dinner supplies and the use of the new GEAR events pavilion and commercial kitchen. Flyers are indeed fortunate to have access to camping, manicured LZ and GEAR facilities. A big thank you to John & Cathy-Anne - great job, great sponsors, fantastic facilities!
Visit the GEAR website at In season, you can book your camping online at the website.

Willi 2007 Results

Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2007 Willi Muller Memorial XC Challenge! Here are the standings:

Paraglider - ADVANCED
1 Norm Lawlor
2 Kevin Oversby
3 Fedja Mulakdic
1 Dannie Wolf
2 Peter Claghorn
3 Janet Morris
Paraglider - NOVICE
1 Dale Osmond
2 Veronica Dubak
3 Dean Trueman
1 Mark Salesse
2 Serge Lamarche
3 Christine Nidd
1 Paul Paszkowski
2 Richard Guttormson
3 JasonDyer
Hang Glider - NOVICE
1 Doug Doerfler
2 John Chisholm
Topless Hang Glider - ADVANCED
1 David Koehn
2 Jim Scoles
3 Rob Clarkson