Wednesday, May 6, 2009

XC-Challenge Fundraiser- Invermere- 2009 May Long Weekend

This early season meet in Invermere is intended to raise funds for Max Fanderl & Penny Powers to participate in the 2009 Reb Bull  X- Alps Challenge.

Start: 05/23/2009 - 22:53

End: 05/24/2009 - 22:53

Timezone: Etc/GMT-5

Event Name: x-Alps fundraiser

URL(s) for more info: Flying Max

URL(s) for more info: Facebook Event info

May Long weekend
x-Alps fundraiser fun and x-country competition

The road to Mt. Swansea will already be open so let's do some flying. We will have a little fun competition and a fundraiser for the x-Alps 2009 team (Max & Penny). There will be a party held at Frank's "mansion", with a live band and a presentation from Max. Camping/accommodation will be available at Frank's and Max & Penny's place.

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